Putting over 50 years of experience to work for you.
We believe the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. But you won’t find any stock photography here. Our gallery contains only authentic images highlighting Adamo’s experience and capabilities, including razing complex multi-story buildings, decommissioning power plants, disassembling massive structures, and much more. View our collection of historical and recent photos, featuring some of our most noteworthy projects.
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- Paper and Pulp Manufacturing
- Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical
- Power and Utility
- Videos

Adamo Muskingum River Power Plant

Adamo Group’s Ohio Implosion Goes Off Perfectly

Adamo Group implodes former AEP Muskingum Unit 5 Boiler

50th Anniversary Party

Our Heritage

Industrial and Manufacturing

Government and Municipal


Environmental Excellence

Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical

Paper and Pulp Manufacturing


Industrial Processing

Emergency Work

Civil and Infrastructure